Notícias Giantess '7ft' adult actor shows more love for Daily Star ahead of revealing all


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Out 5, 2021
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Giantess '7ft' adult actor shows more love for Daily Star ahead of revealing all


Now Marie has responded yet again to our latest story in which we labelled her a 'giantess'. Posting to her Instagram, the lanky lovely shared a screenshot of our article and captioned over it

A giantess "7ft" adult star has shown more love for The Daily Star in a witty back and forth ahead of her tell-all chat with us next week.

The paper has been enjoying a little back and forth with Marie Temara as she goes about her tall person business. Earlier in the week we carried a story about the advantages of the 28-year-old's height when it came to shopping, where we may have referred to her as a beanpole...

On her Instagram, Marie had uploaded a quick video of herself offering to help others in reaching items on the top shelves at the supermarket. The New Yorker took a tongue-in-cheek exception to the article's headline and screen-grabbed the story alongside he caption: "Beanpole??" accompanied by two crying emojis and one laughing one.

In response the Daily Star explained that we needed to vary our nicknames for the vertically unchallenged – and had came back with "beanpole".

Finally the 28-year-old broke and, once again screen-grabbing the newer article to share with her two million followers, she told us to hit her up.

Now Marie has responded yet again to our latest story in which we labelled her a 'giantess'. Posting to her Instagram story, Marie shared a screenshot of the article and captioned over it: "Lmaooo ok I'm done [skull emoji]. I emailed u back tho [shy emoji]".

And, indeed, she did just that. While it's impossible to say what the lanky lovely will reveal to The Daily Star, we can almost certainly guarantee it will include all things height, her family and love life, and her cheeky sexcapades on OnlyFans.

What we do know is that Marie has a good sense of humour, and she clearly doesn’t have a problem with the moniker as she embraces her extraordinary height.

Having loomed large over her school chums during her student days, Marie has gone on to make a substantial living from her stature. She now rakes in an eye-watering $100,000 (£87k) from lads who love lofty ladies every week.

However, all is not quite as it seems as she admits to not being quite the giant she brands herself as. In reality Marie is a mere 6ft 2ins, but that's still clearly significantly taller than your average racy model.

Speaking to the Daily Star previously, Marie admitted getting off her kit for guys with macrophilia – a thing for women deemed to be giantesses – really brings in the big bucks. And her die-hard fans are particularly fond of the thought of the brunette beauty squashing them.

“It’s a lot of ‘pick me up’, ‘step on me’, public humiliation d**k-related humiliations. Making guys feel smaller, because I’m so big,” she said.

Since she was a teenager, the model has been going to the gym every day to build up her strength, which matches her impressive size. “I go to the gym seven times a week, I’ve been doing so for 15 years,” she said.

“I am really strong, I can pick up multiple men at once and throw them around. So I use that to my advantage.”

Daily Star Sunday