Portal Chamar Táxi

DM800HDse : OpenATV 6.1 for Japhar NC3 OE2.x Kernel 3.2 (BetaV4)


GF Prata
Jan 2, 2009
Gostos Recebidos
DM800HDse : OpenATV 6.1 for Japhar NC3 OE2.x Kernel 3.2 (BetaV4)


The images are more or less untested, but since already openATV 6.1 Images distributed in div forums should be but more or less hardly give problems.

The openATV 6.1 images are parallel to 6.0, please report with the box model.
So we get an overview where it goes and where not.

We are looking for moderators, supporters, plugin developers, skinner and graphic designers.

We also look for c ++ developers who are familiar with GDI and graphics,
Since after the Dreambox driver conversion we have massive performance problems with these devices when drawing the frame buffer.

Also missing users who care more about Kodi plugins and their adaptation for STB boxes,
The area is huge and we are looking for motivated users who would like to share their knowledge.

The forum lives on your own, and the image also lives on your input and ideas.

OpenATV is an open source Enigma2 community,
And everything here is based on non profit businesses and is a pure hobby project,
Even if it seems to some with the fact that we are doing this here professionally.

We are just dependent the manufacturer support us and you also by your donations.


Enjoy ;o)
