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New Ferrari-Japhar sim card - SuperSim


GF Prata
Jan 2, 2009
Gostos Recebidos
Something cooked in Ferrari in whatever that meant;-) I guess was welcomed by the owners of Ferrari boxes to start using E2 OE2.0 ... some new cards fly vanka.Zasad looks for 800HD will be behind 800 Images.
It seems that the "new sim card" will be cheaper than A8P .... lives were so vidili

Here's what they say about 800HD:

We are offering the new Sim for DM800HD Sim owners, it's offering support of OE1.5, OE1.6 and OE2.0 for DM800HD.

There is 2 versions, Ferrari-Japhar newSim B14 and NC3.

The Japhar B14 is Supporting (OTP = One Time Programming):
- Ferrari DM800 images (OE1.5, OE1.6 and drivers)
- Sim2.01 images (OE1.5, OE1.6, OE2.0 and drivers)

The Japhar NC3 is Supporting (MultiOS = you can change software):
- Ferrari DM800 images (OE1.5, OE1.6 and drivers)
- Sim2.01 images (OE1.5, OE1.6, OE2.0 and drivers)
- Japhar images (OE2.0 and drivers)

Japhar NC3 is able to be reflashed with any other OS, so you can erase it and load the Japhar DM800HDse for OE2.0, DM8000HD for OE2.0, DM500HD for OE2.0 software, so this is the final sim with full OS upgrade support, you could even upgrade to a GSM OS if wished.

And what they say about 800 Images and 8000HD:

We are working on the Japhar Sim NC3 version for DM800HDse, DM8000HD and DM500HD supporting the OE2.0 (patching the drivers). Probably the next to be released will be the DM8000HD, then DM800HDse + DM500HD and then the DM800HDseV2 and DM500HD.

The .NC3 Japhar Sim is Multi-OS, so you could erase and reload the OS you want, DM800HD, DM8000HDse, DM500HD, DM8000HD as well as DM800HDseV2/DM500HDV2.

The .B14 Japhar Sim is OTP, supporting SuperSim DM800HD, and Ferrari DM800HD/DM8000HD/DM800HDse/DM500HD.

With the new SuperSim we are giving to DM800HD old box owners the possibility to upgrade their old Sim 1.0 and other, to the new SuperSim with IPTV support (as it uses very recent drivers).

Another said:

We release now the .NC3 and .B14 sims for DM800HD, the OS will come after full completion of the OS itself for each version as well as the drivers linked to it. The .NC3 DM800HD anyway can be reprogrammed to any other OS Box.

Deliveries will start beggining of December, so in 15 days from now. Quantites are limited for the first batch of sim cards, so hurry up, but don't worry there is enough for everybody.

Japhar .B14 sim (OTP) including shipping Worldwide is ...
Japhar .NC3 sim (MultiOS) including shipping Worldwide is ...

Here is the link to see what the cards in question:

As we cannot post links, search with google for "Supersim"+"Japhar"


GF Prata
Dez 17, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
isto e uma boa noticia pq tenho uma dreambox clone 8000 ,,mas nao tem image pra elas OE2.0,,mas uma coisa nao precibi ,,afinal qual e o sim mais adequado pra a minha dreambox com sim ferrari ,,e o NC3 Japhar Sim ou B14 Japhar Sim ,,,agradecia resposta ..


GF Prata
Jan 2, 2009
Gostos Recebidos
O OE2.0 é o NC3 (Japhar Sim), B14 são Ferrari OE1.6 só (DM8000HD / DM800HDse / DM500HD) o SuperSim2 (OE1.6 Ferrari 201 + Sim OE2.0 para DM800HD).



GF Prata
Dez 17, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
ola , confirmo , chegou hoje mesmo o novo SIM japhar NC3 ; bastou tirar o card sim ferrrari ,meter o NC3, e deu logo com a image que estava da ferrari , funciona lindamente ,, agora e so vir os novos image OE2.0 pra elas ..


GF Bronze
Nov 14, 2012
Gostos Recebidos
@eusebio1 que imagem tens instalada neste momento ? Tudo se mantém estável ?



GF Prata
Jan 2, 2009
Gostos Recebidos
Changes :
- Gstreamer 1.7.1
The mp4 playback from remote urls has been fixed upstream so no more revert for that.
libsoup http-handler has been updated so also no revert for that as well
- New libsoup handler for http urls
- New winter logo
- More free space laugh
Ive added a dirty hack that will upx compress the binary before package_write_ipk
We now have 2 to 3MB more free space (very nice, great success)
- New xvid/divx5 bitstream unpacker by mx3L, this should fix avi files with wrong fourcc
- The usual batch of dvbmediasink fixes by christophecvr and mx3L
- Wifi drivers have been refactored a bit, I dont auto-load the rt7777 anymore.
it should kick in when you plugin your wifi stick.
If not then Ill create a ppanel which will allow you to choose which driver you want to use: rt3070, rt55xx or rt7777 (since they cant be loaded at the same time)

by MastaG

DM8000HD: https://mega.nz/#!YRklVADa!jfV_0mM-6mvH1Gq5WGFs9-MdezwoUzLFubOFmA7VCAg

DM800HDse : https://mega.nz/#!BAtCwQ4R!r15VnQlfKONB-7ieoU7CZvaK5SOaenDNfLsp9CQBYbU

DM800HD : https://mega.nz/#!kYlVHRoD!pWuty-xvlEvNKK-8JhdvNgPFs4-rj6iGabO8Dk77bno

DM500HD : https://mega.nz/#!VMcAyQwC!Z4CxifG_3KpZ7EgULXs3KUQWp0Z88GSS8MW90MLYBkc

Feel free to post images on all your satellite forums you like and share with all your friends these excellent tools and new images with full IPTV support, the best around, even better than on original boxes !!! Thank you !


GF Bronze
Nov 14, 2012
Gostos Recebidos
Obrigado TS. Imagem instalada sem problemas. Tudo a 100% ! [emoji3]